I'm sorry I haven't posted recently, but we've been so busy! Yesterday, we moved into our new house, which we have dubbed Mempler Manor.

Why Mempler Manor?

Because while the home is in Chandler (we are Chandeliers), the home is located extremely close the shared borders of Mesa, Tempe and Chandler. So if SoHo is South of Houston Street in New York, and LoDo is Lower Downtown in Denver, we live in Mempler.

We are sure this will catch on soon.

Today, we hope that our stuff will arrive by truck. It left Billings, Montana for its summer vacation about five weeks ago, and spent much of its time in beautiful San Francisco. Yesterday, our truck driver called from La Jolla to say he'd arrive today, so we are pleased on two levels: that our stuff is coming, and that it's had such a picturesque tour of California.

We're very happy with our place. It's not flashy, but neither are we. It's in a very nice, slightly older neighborhood, and the good thing about that is that the houses look -- gulp -- different from each other. In many subdivisions here, including our old one in South Tempe, the homes would be indistinguishable from each other. Last night, we were able to pull into the correct garage because we could tell which one was ours. It was a big plus.

We love the pool!

Last evening, we were floating around when it started to get stormy, so we got out and went inside. Literally 20 seconds after we got out, a palm frond fell from about 30 feet and landed right where I had been floating. We are thankful we got out when we did, so that our first pool memory wasn't "the time when we had to take Bill to the emergency room because he got smashed in the face by a palm frond."

Anyhow, we have a big day of unpacking ahead of us. Happy Sunday!

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...Wadorf to Your Astoria is done. Through. Finished.

This will be the final post here.

But fear not! If you go over to my brand-spankin' new website, billkonigsberg.com, you will see that I am still blogging over there. And on that site, powered by the fine folks at wordpress, you may comment using your Facebook account.

Sorry, Blogger. We liked you, but we needed more. We needed actual comments!

So thanks to those of you who perused this blog regularly.

Come join us over at billkonigsberg.com!

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Waldorf to Your Astoria
Waldorf to Your Astoria
Waldorf to Your Astoria
The blog of author Bill Konigsberg
About Me
About Me
Tempe, AZ, United States
Author of Lambda Literary Award-winning novel OUT OF THE POCKET (Dutton). For more information, go to www.billkonigsberg.com
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