Who the hell am I kidding?
This was the slowest year in the history of man. I don't mean that in a bad way. It just went slowly. To me, last December seems like years ago.
It was a great, slow year:
1. My agent sold my next book, Openly Straight, to Arthur A. Levine Books (Scholastic).
2. I got involved in a very cool project at ASU, to be explained/described in due time.
3. I have been hard at work on a new book that is going to change my life. Hopefully a few other lives, as well.
4. Chuck and I have perhaps doubled our circle here in Arizona. We have new friends we feel extremely grateful for, and we have old (not in age, necessarily) friends whom we love dearly.
5. I have spent my days with an increasingly spectacular puppy named Mabel.
6. I got to play softball again for the first time in many years, and while that injury-plagued debacle ended poorly, I had a great time while doing it.
7. The great work-for-my-brother experiment ended amicably. I did good work for him, he treated me well, and we agreed that remaining plugged in and connected while working remotely was too difficult. We remain members in good standing in our own mutual admiration society.
7. I have good health, enough money, a comfortable place to lay my head at night, people I love, people who love me, wonderful family, and an avenue for self-expression that actually makes me money.
What more could I want?
Thank you to each and every one of you who sent a kind thought my way this year. Thanks to everyone who made me laugh. Sincerest appreciation to those who shared new ideas and experiences with me.
Here is to a great, slow 2013!
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