So this is what's been going on: for the first time in six years, I am without literary agent.
I don't want to go into detail about that. Suffice it to say that it was an amicable split that I initiated. I hope my former agent goes on to great things, but I felt the need to go in a different direction.
So I have no representation, and it feels ... good. Surprisingly, I feel pretty good right now.
I'm taking this as a new beginning, and it's the first time in a bunch of years that I feel like I have a chance for a new start. I have three novels, each of which has been praised by at least one agent or editor. In fact, each has received extensive praise and has been through several drafts. All deserve publication, and I believe in my heart that all will be published. All in good time.
Right now, I am taking OPENLY STRAIGHT through one more revision because I want it to jump off the page. I have my sights set on an agent, and we'll just see how that connection goes.
I think that I have something to offer as an author that is unique, and I think there's much more to come. The result, what happens as a result of my efforts, is entirely beyond my control. For now, I'll focus on my two-hour morning writing/editing sessions, and let the chips fall as they may.
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