Surely with all the creative talent in the LGBT community, this LOGO TV would be a channel I'd turn to, again and again. Be it classic gay movies, independent gay movies, intriguing reality shows or new scripting programming, this was an untapped market. I was breathless with anticipation.
Oh, Logo.
I hate to be a codger, and I hate to say things that have already been said to death, but what is going on with LOGO TV?
Clearly the "gem" of the new offerings on LOGO is The A-List New York. An offshoot, The A-List Dallas, is forthcoming.
The New York show is riveting in the way a train wreck is riveting. For me, I just get transfixed thinking about all that is wretched in this show in terms of everything from the values it stands for, to how obviously fake the situations are, to why am I watching five people I don't know or care about argue while getting ready to do a fashion show?
I get that by TV standards I'm ancient. I'm not in their preferred demographic anymore. But all that aside, is this the best we can do as a community?
Hey, I like RuPaul. I'll watch his Drag Race show once in a while. The University show seems a bit weird to me, but whatever the show, I like his message about love and self-respect. But what else have you got? Noah's Arc had some good writing and memorable moments. Rick and Steve was a good idea and had very good episodes before going away. The Big Gay Sketch Show, ditto. All comedy shows are hit and miss, and this one was no exception. Let's try some stuff! Will ratings be great right away? No. Not on a channel that has produced nothing but junk for the better part of six years. But build it, and believe me: viewers will come.
I'm not looking for more serious programming, or programming that pushes an agenda. That's fine in small doses. What I'm thinking is, how can there possibly not be a single "funny" sitcom on a network that caters to a people who are historically funny?
We can't find six hilarious recent graduates from Harvard and Yale and Brown to sit in a room and drink coffee and bang out even an adequate script for a new pilot? With all the thousands of situations untapped in the LGBT world?
Just off the top of my head, literally without any pre-thought:
-Four older gay men who room together in Palm Springs navigate retirement in a gay wonderland.
-A young transgendered lesbian takes care of a hilarious old queen.
-Four 30-something friends, some gay, some bi, some not, in (you pick it, NY, LA, SF) try to find love and happiness.
-Two women, one a cop and one a hairdresser, raise their child together in the suburbs.
-It's 1979 and five gay male friends in San Francisco enjoy a fabulous and funny life in San Francisco in the last days before the plague.
-It's 1969, in the days after Stonewall, and a coffee house near Chirstopher Street is frequented by a bunch of funny and interesting people, sort of like Cheers but with a historical bent.
-An interracial gay couple in Harlem blah blah blah
-A closeted married guy and his oblivious wife blah blah blah
I could go on forever. There are only a million and one ideas to be had, and I'd watch any of these shows listed above. The bottom line is that there is a thirst for well-crafted, interesting entertainment that is by and about LGBT people. Is there room for A-List New York? Sure. People love crap! Sometimes I do, too. But give me something more. Don't give us crap at the exclusion of quality programming.
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