Here's a podcast of my talk at Allen Stevenson School in New York, from this past Monday, March 14.
I had such a good time there, and I think the talk went really well. It was for the 6th-through-9th grade boys there, and while there was much anxiety and hand-wringing on both sides (I actually spoke to the faculty for about an hour the previous Friday about follow-up and general issues), the boys seemed to be perfectly comfortable, for the most part. They asked excellent questions, and I have a feeling it was a great experience for many of them.
I am a great believer in writing as a way of processing information. So after coming out to them and talking about my work as a sports journalist, they went to their homerooms and wrote for a half hour. Then, we re-assembled and they asked more questions. The first podcast listed is that Q&A session, which includes a hilarious, somewhat inappropriate for young ears story about me experimenting by kissing a girl during high school.
The second podcast is the actual speech. I think that while the speech was effective in the end, in some ways, my sense is that the sports talk at the beginning was less well received than the stuff that came after I came out. This may seem counter intuitive for a bunch of boys at a conservative school, but that's definitely how it felt as a speaker.
The third podcast is the conversation between me and faculty on the previous Friday. I think that it may be a great took for other schools which are considering this sort of speaking experience.
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