As some of you know, I am currently working on a novel that tracks the lives of four teens who are thrown together by fate. They live in an unusual situation, which is far better than the alternative -- the streets of Tempe, Arizona.  I don't want to say much more about it until it's done. 

It's a real departure for me. Generally I have focused on coming-of-age stories. This one is much more of an adventure, but it is grounded in characters who have lived challenging lives. 

My influence for this novel (possibly a series) is my favorite writer: Armistead Maupin.

I read Maupin's "Tales of the City" series for the first time as a teenager. They transported me to 1970s (and 80s) San Francisco.

Chuck and I had a conversation yesterday about the new ABC show G.C.B. We've watched the first two episodes and have found them to be entertaining.

The question we raised was whether the show was offensive. To Christians. Neither of us consider ourselves to be Christians, but we're like that. We talk about things. We try to be sensitive, even if we sometimes fail.

In case you are not aware, G.C.B.

Say what you want about my obsession, I don't care. The truth is I am utterly in love with Haley Reinhart. I love her singing, I love her look, I love her spark and her spunk. She's terrific.

Readers of this blog may recall my unnatural crush on Haley. It began as soon as I saw her on Idol, but became a real, palpable thing when she sang Benny and the Jets. I have loved Idol performers before (Fantasia, Adam Lambert, Kelly Clarkson), but this took it to a new level for me.

I have to write about this, because it's so rare that I start something like this and actually persevere... since I'm four weeks in and still going, I feel it's okay for me to write about my juicing.

I make juice every morning. About 30 oz. of it. It started after I watched the movie "Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead." It's a documentary about a guy who went on a juice fast for 30 days and changed his life.

I admit I got overzealous at first and decided to fast. That didn't work.

Sometimes when I start a new novel, I feel like I'm the laziest person on earth.

I'll get an idea and I'll get the urge to start writing. I'll hurry over to my computer and sit down and start typing, and a bunch of crap will come out. Within a page, I'm lost.

Who the hell are these people? Why would anyone read this? What's the story?

These are just a few of the typical questions I will find myself asking. And I will turn on Google Chrome and do a little Facebooking.