I have to write about this, because it's so rare that I start something like this and actually persevere... since I'm four weeks in and still going, I feel it's okay for me to write about my juicing.

I make juice every morning. About 30 oz. of it. It started after I watched the movie "Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead." It's a documentary about a guy who went on a juice fast for 30 days and changed his life.

I admit I got overzealous at first and decided to fast. That didn't work. Two days without solid food and I was a nightmare to be around.

But what I did find is that I enjoyed the juice. I have high cholesterol and my blood sugar is on the high end of normal. With the foods I eat (I believe that fried is a food group), I will almost certainly have diabetes within the decade if I don't make changes. So I thought: why not keep getting the nutrition from the juicing, while eating a normal diet?

So for the past four weeks, I've been eating two normal meals a day (trying to cut down on red meat and fried stuff, and I'm doing pretty well, not great), and I've been drinking my juice.

At first, I was doing fruit and veggie juice. Then, to my astonishment, a crazy thing happened: I began to find the fruit juice too sweet! I actually have found that I like straight veggie juice the best.

Here are my favorite concoctions:

V6 Juice:
Two tomatoes
Two carrots
A cucumber
A bell pepper
A bushel of kale
A bushel of spinach

V7 Juice:
Add a piece of ginger to V6

Next up is adding some new vegetables. I shop at Sprouts, and the stuff is so cheap! I get three days of juicing veggies for about $10. I would love to do organic, but that's just too expensive for me.

I love this stuff. And I have to say, I feel good all day after drinking it as my morning meal. I am aware I need to make sure I eat more fiber, since I am not getting the fiber from the vegetables in my juice. But beyond that, I love what I'm doing. I hope it will make me healthier! If I had to guess, I'd say it already has.


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Tempe, AZ, United States
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