Michael's Safe School Law, recently passed by the state Senate, was intended to keep kids safe from bullying. It was named after Matt Epling, a teen who committed suicide in 2002 after a gay-bullying episode.
Unfortunately, Senate Republicans decided that it was important to include a clause that exempts bullying based on a "sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction."
Think about that for a mere moment. Think for a second about what loopholes that creates, specifically for LGBT youth. Essentially, Republican leaders in Michigan have just offered a blueprint to bullies about how to get away with bullying.
"But I only called him a fag because the Bible said gays are evil!"
Essentially, this law would protect all bullied students EXCEPT gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender youth, since any such bullying could be said to be based on religious belief or moral conviction.
It's a legal bashing of LGBT youth. Matt's father, Kevin, told the Detroit Free-Press that this was "Government-sanctioned bigotry."
Well stated.
It allows anyone to use religion as a weapon, which runs counter to what religion ought to be. Whether it runs counter to what religion actually is used for much of the time is up for debate.
Fortunately, after a wave of criticism from just about everyone, House leaders have accepted a compromise on the bill before it goes into debate.
A small victory over insanity, I'd say.
Perhaps a day will come when mainstream organized religion gets back to being about living a better life, rather than ensuring that those who are different lead a worse one. Maybe one day love will prevail over fear.
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