My brother made the horrible mistake of sending me this picture via Skype last week.
See, it's a bad decision because, even though it's a fantastic picture of Dan and Bethany from their wedding back in late August, it is also ammunition.
It proves that I, Bill Konigsberg, am the funniest Konigsberg. OK. Maybe it does not PROVE this, but we can surely call it evidence.
This was during my best man toast. See? He's laughing. Because? I'm HILARIOUS. That's why.
My brother and I had this great conversation this summer about the fact that he and I, along with our father, have the same character flaw: we are all certain we are the funniest Konigsberg. Nothing makes us happier than making people laugh, because it helps reconcile our vision of ourselves as the funniest. We don't talk about it openly, but it's so obvious that we all believe this to be true.
Sadly, the truth is that my brother is surely the funniest. He clinched the title the time he dressed as the hamburglar and stole someone's burger at McDonalds. Somewhere there's video of this. This is beyond what I would do for a laugh. He does a great Borat imitation. People would probably drift toward him at a party, rather than away, which is more my territory.
Second funniest is probably my dad. You may recall
his speech from his 75th birthday party. It'll either make you chuckle or it'll make you want to pull your hair out. Not sure which. Maybe both.
I used to be kinda funny. Now I think I'm more funny strange than funny ha ha. I make myself laugh often, Chuck laugh sometimes, and most of the rest of the world just seems to scratch their head when I try to be amusing. I could point to evidence that I used to be funny (my Christian Rock anthem, "Give Me a Hand, Job" is a good start), but I cannot recall the last real belly laugh I elicited from someone other than, well, me.
Alas. I am the tallest Konigsberg at this point. That's something.
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