Wander into any of those abodes on a given weekday night, and you'd wonder if there had been a carbon monoxide leak, what with the two bodies draped across leather couches and love seats, arms and legs flayed in various directions. Sometimes this seeps into a Saturday afternoon as well, and we can all agree that's more sloth than is necessary for two able-bodies persons.
About a month back, we took stock of our collective life and realized that perhaps we spend a little too much time cocooned in our little love nest, safe from the world but also isolated from its pleasures.
We decided to become... The Guys Who Do things.
In the last month, we have:
-Attempted Couples Yoga
-Water Parked
-Hosted a dinner party
-Gone to Jerome to the art walk
-Fixed up our garage
-Gone multiple times to the gym for workouts and racquetball with our friends Terry and Greg
-Had meals out with many different friends
-Hosted a "Tea" with a new friend
-Taken several trips to buy puppy supplies
-Spent several evenings at the luxury movie theater in Scottsdale
Yes, I am well aware that this last entry simply moves our sloth to a new location, but hey, it's out of the house, around other people. And best, since it is dark and there is a movie playing, we can't see or hear those people. It's fabulous.
Taking stock of this list, I recognize that we haven't actually become "The Guys Who Do Things." We have become The Guys Who Occasionally Do Things. But hey, gimme a break. It's August in Phoenix. You go take a walk and let me know how that goes. Yesterday, a guy spontaneously combusted on Warner Road while waiting for the bus. That may or may not have happened, but just thinking about that fabrication makes me want to curl up on the couch for a day.
Progress, not perfection, right?
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