As we left the Camelview, the only theater in the Phoenix area to be showing the movie, we had an interesting thought:
Why in the world is "Win Win" not in more theaters?
OK, so I get that it's a Fox Searchlight film. That's the independent wing of Fox. I'm not really interested in getting into a discussion about what makes an independent film, because I know nothing about such matters.
What interests me is that within 30 miles of my home, the animated feature Rio is showing on more than 30 screens today. Scream 4, likewise, is showing on more than 30. Win Win is showing on one.
Is this because the content of Win Win is risque? Too smart for your average American? Too slow-paced?
Hard to imagine, although the third could be argued, given our society's penchant for movies with things blowing up every five seconds. This is a mainstream film, one that, 20 years ago, would have been well loved and popular. I believe that, anyway.
But times have changed. Now, unless you live in New York or Los Angeles, we get, at any one time, 10-12 movies that are in every single theater in the area. There's always one animated movie from Disney, a chick flick or two, one or two big-budget movies with exploding things or robots or both, maybe a horror flick, a couple thrillers.
They are almost always inferior to the movies created by these indie wings of big studios... movies like Win Win, or Juno, or Little Miss Sunshine. Movies with scripts and character development and heart. Once in a while, a quality film slips through into the mainstream, but otherwise, we're left with a lot of crap.
How do we start a movement to get the AMCs and the Harkins of the world to show movies other than the ones playing at every other suburban theater? I know it's a business, but how do we convince these big theaters to give us just a little bit of variety?
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