I feel extremely wronged by a person. The details are unimportant, but I think it's fair to say that whether they wronged me is not really in question here. We're talking truly poor behavior.
I've been angry. I mean, really angry. Like angrier than maybe I've ever been.
A wise friend of mine, someone whose counsel I value immensely, told me what I needed to do.
"You need to pray for that person."
"Oh, I've been praying for them, all right," I replied.
They said, "Praying for them to die in a fiery car wreck doesn't count."
"You just need to change the prayer. Pray all good things for them. Every night, for 30 nights. At the end of that time, you'll be amazed that your anger will be gone."
Whatever this person tells me to do, I do. That's how much I trust them. Now, mind you, this prayer needn't be a "religious" type of prayer. Just a prayer to whatever higher power (outside of myself) that I believe in. It could be a tree, or a rock, or nature, or God, or whatever.
The first night, it was like walking on nails. I wanted to pray for this person about as much as I wanted to chew on a chain saw. The thoughts came out like acid upchuck: hard, painful. It was not fun.
The second night, much the same.
Last night, it went a little bit better. I was able to get the thought out without wincing for the first time.
So I invite you to join me. If you have hate, if you feel terribly wronged, if you are holding a strong resentment toward a person or people, I invite you to join me, for 30 days, in praying for that person. It needn't be a long, drawn out prayer. A simple "Please look after so and so," or "I wish happiness and health for so and so," will do.
I'll be three days ahead, yes. But we'll do it together. And in 30 days, let's see how we feel about the object of our hatred.
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