As good as Saturday Night Fever is/was, as good as The Big Chill's songs were, I'm figuring that the most important soundtract in your life today is the narrative of thoughts that follows you around. The inner monologue that is the music you set your life to.
I was reflecting this morning about mine.
Recently, all too often my soundtrack has been filled with things I wouldn't want my worst enemy to walk around with. All these castigating thoughts, self-doubts. Mean things, and I don't have to reflect too much to realize they aren't true. I'm a good guy. I do nice things for people all the time. I try my best to be kind and generous to others. Yet for some reason, these past couple weeks, I can't seem to shake this nasty soundtrack that has taken over the airwaves.
What's yours, today? What are you telling yourself about you? Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it kind?
Today, I will try to change the music. Life is too short and too precious to waste on such vile condemnations. Today I will try to remember: be good to me.
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