Apparently, they are still a network. This was the first surprising thing I noticed. The second was that their powers that be felt a good idea for a show was something called "Undateable," a particularly meanspirited look at the top 100 mistakes guys can make to render them not dating material.
It's sort of like the kids at the cool table pointing and making fun of all the ways the kids at the loser table "don't fit in."
It was ugly, snarky, and not particularly funny.
Guess what: Guys who go to Star Trek conventions are nerdy! Wow.
Mullets are out of style!
Guys who get muscle implants for their calves are weird!
Huh. None of this is particularly newsworthy to anyone who has wandered out of their home in the last decade. What struck me about the show, however, was the mean spiritedness of it. Fat guys got picked on. So do guys who don't look like Fabio who take off their shirts in public; guys who deign to be bad at throwing balls; and those who don't know that pleated pants are out.
I'll tell you what: I'd find any of those guys infinitely more dateable than the snarky jerk who walks around pointing out everyone else's faux pas.
Give it a rest, VH1. Go back to playing music, maybe? Enough with the know-it-all lists. Is it really necessary to let us flawed humans know all the reasons we should feel ashamed of ourselves?
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