I'm sorry I haven't posted recently, but we've been so busy! Yesterday, we moved into our new house, which we have dubbed Mempler Manor.

Why Mempler Manor?

Because while the home is in Chandler (we are Chandeliers), the home is located extremely close the shared borders of Mesa, Tempe and Chandler. So if SoHo is South of Houston Street in New York, and LoDo is Lower Downtown in Denver, we live in Mempler.

We are sure this will catch on soon.

Today, we hope that our stuff will arrive by truck. It left Billings, Montana for its summer vacation about five weeks ago, and spent much of its time in beautiful San Francisco.

Here's a paragraph I really enjoyed writing from my work-in-progress novel "Scrambled". As some folks know, I have an egg phobia. This novel is about eggs, and intimacy, and some other things, too.


There were two things about eggs that made Virgil want to poke his eyes out with gardening shears. One, eggs smelled. When they were hard boiled, they smelled like shame.

It's been a while since I've seen a review of Out of the Pocket, so I was pleased when one showed up on a review site called "Thrifty Reader." Great site. I perused and was impressed by the variety and quality of reviews. Of course, I am now a biased source. :-)

A quick blurb:

"So far this year, I have branched out into two divergent paths for reading: LGBT (fiction and romance) and young adult.

I want a divorce.

From the Colorado Rockies, that is.

Listen. I've stood by this team for nearly two decades, the entire history of the franchise. I've been through bad seasons, I've been through bad seasons. Some good, too, I guess. The 2007 late-season surge was unlike anything that has happened in Major League Baseball in -- maybe ever? And the 2009 surge was similarly amazing.

I've been waiting and waiting, and what I've been waiting for was supposed to happen this year.

An interesting column from Maureen Dowd today about Obama and the left not being real happy with each other right now. I wasn't sure I agreed with everything she wrote, but this one paragraph seemed right on the mark:

"Obama got elected because of the clarity of his campaign and his speeches. But, surprisingly, he’s in some ways an incoherent president. He’s with the banks, he’s against the banks. He’s leaving Afghanistan, he’s staying in Afghanistan.

Last night, I happened by VH1. Who knew this channel still existed? I remember when they used to play music videos, then I remember Rosie O'Donnell hosting a show, and finally I recall some snarky shows they put out years ago about why people should love or hate the 70s and 80s.

Apparently, they are still a network. This was the first surprising thing I noticed.

Come take a class at The Piper Writers Studio!

There are some great sounding classes happening this fall, and some of them are online classes, so you don't even need to be in Tempe!

If you're in town and would like to take an eight-week fiction course, I highly reccommend Liz Weld's class, "What a Character!" Liz is in my writing group, and she's brilliant.

So there's this new group called GOProud. They are gay Republicans, I guess, or conservative gays, which is an interesting concept, in the same way that cutting and getting caned for the pleasure of it are interesting concepts.

I generally don't pay attention to these things. Some of my best friends are gay Republicans, actually, and while I think that's absurd, there are plenty of things about me (my hair, for example), that they probably find absurd.

So here's what you need to do: join ebates.com!

This site is awesome. It gives you cash back for shopping at sites, and I've already saved a bundle. I'm not a huge shopper, but I decided to join, and the first thing I did was go to restaurant.com.

I have just added these handy-dandy "Funny, Interesting, Cool" buttons at the bottom of each blog. I am not sure why I've added them. For one thing, having just added them, and not yet having any "funny, interesting, or cool" boxes checked, it really appears as if no single person has ever read my blog. I mean, how difficult would it be for a reader to check a box?

Also, I'm not entirely sure that "cool" is something to strive for with the written word.
Waldorf to Your Astoria
Waldorf to Your Astoria
Waldorf to Your Astoria
The blog of author Bill Konigsberg
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About Me
Tempe, AZ, United States
Author of Lambda Literary Award-winning novel OUT OF THE POCKET (Dutton). For more information, go to www.billkonigsberg.com
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