Not fun.
I woke up with it on Friday morning, not too bad but I could tell it was there. I rested Friday and ate well, and by Saturday morning, I seemed to be better. I went out and took a walk in the snow with Chuck (okay, a hobble), and even shoveled some of the driveway.
I guess I overdid it. By last night, I was incapacitated, and all day today. It's hugely sore and very painful, and I'm in a bad mood.
A big part of the problem is that I've now been laid up for the better part of 10 days. I got back from Florida last Tuesday, and by Friday I had a nasty cold. That kept me home for six days. I was better by Thursday of this past week, and was just getting my life back when this hit.
So mostly I feel bad for Chuck. I've now wasted two straight weekends of his being sick or in pain. He's been a good sport, but mostly I feel bad that he's been busy taking care of me.
I just hope I can get back to my life soon.
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