So there it is; I have nothing. I suppose my lack of blogging has to do with the fact that I can't discuss one of the main things going on in my life that is blog-worthy. I have been reading tons of books that I'd love to discuss, but since it's part of a contest I'm judging, I can't talk about that.
I'd love to talk about my writing, but I am currently in edit mode, and I haven't had anything terribly exciting to share in terms of my process.
I am taking a political sabbatical. I simply don't want to discuss anything political, because when I take politics too seriously, it's not good for my own sanity. The personal is political and the political is personal, yes, but I find that I get exhausted when I practice that in my life. Better to focus on my own life, and not things I cannot control.
So that leaves me with nothing. Another Adam Lambert blog? Nah. Long descriptions of the cold I had? No thanks. I promise I'll try to come up with things to write. Until I start doing better, though, feel free to suggest stuff that you'd like to read. If you want to read it, I'll write it!
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