We recently caught up with Carrie Conway, best known as Bobby Framingham's "Friend who is a Girl" in the well-loved novel "Out of the Pocket."

Her hair now a shade of red-orange usually reserved for forest blazes, her lips a shade of purple usually seen in slurpie cups, Carrie was at a frat party at Cal State Northridge, a plastic red cup in her hand. She was wearing a black and white print Kimono, and she had chopsticks in her hair. The party was not a costume party. No mention was made about why Carrie was now Asian, nor did she try to explain during our quick chat.

Q: Carrie Conway! You've really done quite a marvelous job of staying out of the media this past year and a half. How've you done it? How are you? What are you up to?

A: Um, one question at a time, please.

I was surfing just now and came across something that simply shocked me: a blog entry for The New York Times called "Now Scrutinizing: A Rounder Golden Globes."

This is from last week, but I just saw it now. Blogger Andy Post comments that Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox and Kate Hudson all looked like they'd put on weight at the Golden Globes.

I have gout. The worst case of it I've had in 15 years.

Not fun.

I woke up with it on Friday morning, not too bad but I could tell it was there. I rested Friday and ate well, and by Saturday morning, I seemed to be better. I went out and took a walk in the snow with Chuck (okay, a hobble), and even shoveled some of the driveway.

I guess I overdid it. By last night, I was incapacitated, and all day today. It's hugely sore and very painful, and I'm in a bad mood.

I have been so bad about blogging recently. It's been, gulp, 10 days since my last post, and I have no real excuse. I mean, I've been sick, but that's not really an excuse. I was away for three weeks until Jan. 12, but that's not so much of an excuse, either.

So there it is; I have nothing. I suppose my lack of blogging has to do with the fact that I can't discuss one of the main things going on in my life that is blog-worthy.

I felt compelled to add my two cents about something that occurred at the White House briefing on Friday. Apparently, White House Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked if the U.S. would continue to give more than $300 million in aid to Uganda if the "Kill the Gays" bill passes there. That bill includes life imprisonment and capital penalties for "aggravated" homosexuality. Other countries have already vowed to stop giving aid if the bill passes.

Back in New York for the holidays, and that means being back in my old room.

It's especially tough now, because the room is not only filled with tough memories of being an isolated teenager, but it's also the place where my beloved stepfather breathed his last breath, seven years ago.

I always struggle to fall asleep my first few nights back at home. Sleeping in my childhood room with my husband is also a strange experience.