It took me a while to figure out what that meant. I read the review, which was very nicely done, and then, at the bottom, this is how it ends:
"If only I'd known sooner how different life might have been. Erferciliquis essincia verfernatiae magnatem reptatur ipsae iducimodis ea."
Now I wish I'd paid attention in my Latin classes back in 5th and 6th grade. I think I got a C, and I probably opened the book once. I don't think I grasped, at the time, how learning Latin would augment my vocabulary and serve me well as an adult based on my love of words.
I tried some rudimentary web searches to figure out what this means. No luck. I am pretty sure it is the most important, profound, true words about my life and my work, and I will not rest until I figure it out.
Okay, not exactly true. I put it here because I'm lazy and figure that someone else will do the legwork and let me know what it means.
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