Next up: Congress. If it gets through congress, President Obama promises to sign it into law.
This is a simple piece of legislation that states that LGBT employees should get the same benefits as their straight counterparts. As it stands, there is no equality for LGBT federal employees, since they do not receive benefits for their domestic partners. As you probably know, health benefits are a huge part of a benefits package.
To personalize: I do not have benefits through Chuck's job. If I were female, I would. When my COBRA coverage ends next year, I will be without benefits since I am self-employed. Because of an issue with sleep apnea a year ago, I do not qualify for health insurance with most carriers, so this is not just a financial issue (it is that, for sure), but one that concerns my health and safety.
Nearly 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies offer these benefits. It's simply good business practice, if the federal government wants to attract the best employees.
We need to make sure that this legislation passes in Congress. Call your representative today and ask them to vote for equality and fairness. Ask them to pass the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act.
Please take a minute and call your representative in Washington. We must make sure that a House vote on DPBO will happen soon and that our representatives support DPBO. We need to stand together as a community and urge our representatives to fight for the rights of the domestic partners of federal employees.
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