As I wrote in my last entry, I've been just a TAD obsessive about Openly Straight this week. In three days, I've written 118 pages, for instance. This is how it works for me; when I connect to a novel, the voices of the characters get in my head and the only way for me to get them out is to sit at the computer and write, write, write.
Although I must say, I'm not sure when I last had this level of obsession. Out of the Pocket was written slower, over the course of about three months, a chapter a day. Yesterday, I wrote six chapters. Hmm.
Now, just to be clear, these are hardly FINAL chapters. These are first draft chapters, and I'm sure, once I read the whole thing, that I will have much work to do revision-wise.
This just underscores something I've said a million times (okay, maybe a thousand): you must give yourself permission to write poorly. I don't think the vast majority of what I've written is poor, but if I was critiquing every word and every paragraph, there's no way I would have made the discoveries I made this week that have propelled the book forward. Send your editor out of the room, my writer friends! No good work occurs while he/she is standing over your shoulder.
My plan is to finish a draft by Thursday, when I travel to the Montana Festival of the Book in Missoula. More on that tomorrow.
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