I wanted to push myself to finish the first mile of my two mile "run" as fast as possible today, just to see if I could do it. And also knowing that I'd have to get back -- one of my biggest fears has always been getting stranded and being unable to get home.
I did pretty well. My first mile split was 7:45, and that included 90 seconds of walking. Of course, on the way back, I was only able to run for four minutes, and I walked for nine.
So all told, my pace was two miles in 20:45, which is just about the same as two days ago, when I did the first mile in just over nine minutes, and the second in just over 11.
What I found was that my lung capacity was challenged by the quick pace of the first mile. I really felt at moments that I couldn't catch my breath. Hence the slower pace back. But I feel really fine about the whole thing. I mean, my pulse was up for 20 minutes again, I am enjoying it, and I plan to keep doing it. Oh, and I've lost seven pounds in the last 10 days, mostly from my gut.
Yeah, running!
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