Would I enjoy living there?
Hard to say.
I didn't see tons of proof that I'd meet like-minded people there. But maybe I would. I mean, there is a gay community there, and I like straight people, too. Some of my best friends... :-)
It's very quiet. And I like quiet. It's very spacious. And I like spacious. It's also very remote. And what would I do when I needed to be around people?
That worries me.
But if it turns out that we need to go there, I think we will go. Sometimes in life you need to do something that doesn't exactly thrill you as an idea. Who is to say whether it'll turn out to be a good idea, or a bad idea? These things tend to play themselves out in ways we'd never expect.
Here is a picture of me in front of the one good thing we saw in Billings: an extremely large candy store that claims to be the third biggest in the U.S. I would tend to believe it. Loved it!

They had bacon flavored bubble gum. Hint: don't eat bacon flavored bubble gum.
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