Time for a fresh takeIt's easy to see that this blog's been languishing a while. I've been
thinking about why that's the case. It's a form I enjoyed while I was
posting frequen...
Model Rumah Mewah Minimalis Tampak DepanUpdate kali ini kami sharing satu blog yg cukup menarik berisi tentang
rumah mewah. Artikel berikut untuk pembaca yg mungkin menginginkan
referensi dengan ...
adjective, adjective!
1. This weekend, *The Alex Crow* was reviewed in USA Today. It's a very
nice review, with lots of adjectives like *weird*, *strange*, *odd*,
*diverse*; a...
The Years Of Writing DangerouslyThirteen years ago, as I was starting to experiment with this blogging
thing, I wrote the following: [T]he speed with which an idea in your head
reaches th...
Recommended Reading: Writing is My DrinkThe Book: Writing is My Drink, by Theo Pauline Nestor The Take-Away: An
amazing blending of memoir and writing instruction, this book goes above
and beyond...
Creative Link-A-Palooza: February 2014Photo by Zsuzsanna Kilian. Courtesy of SXC. How the ‘Failure’ Culture of
Startups Is Killing Innovation Erika Hall, the author of “Just Enough
Research,” a...
A Dispersed Set of Nodesfrom THE FLAMETHROWERS
by Rachel Kushner
...We seemed to share certain ideas about what happens in childhood, when
you have to place yourself under the sig...