So to catch anyone up: I was in Atlanta for a reading at Outwrite Books last Tuesday night. Here is a shot from that reading:

This was a pretty good event at a great bookstore. But what's up with the "theater in the round" setup? I am not used to that at all and it was different.
Then I went to Florida, where I had a reading at Books & Books in Coral Gables. It was a great store, but a dissapointing turnout. These things happen.
So the bookstore reading portion of my first book tour is over! Good times. There were all sorts of highlights, and I will not soon forget the friends I made in Wichita, Tempe, San Francisco, St. Paul, and Austin, to name a few.
What else? Well, I am working hard on sending off my third novel to an agent who deals with adult literature. And I am waiting to hear from my editor at Dutton about Book No. 2. I sent that edit out about a month ago. I am also taking a close look at a non-fiction project that could be VERY interesting. I can't say much more about it at this time, and even if and when I do decide to do it, I'll have to keep things under wraps until it comes out. It's that kind of book.
I promise at least one more entry this week, and it'll be funnier. I promise.
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