Last night when I finished work at 3:45 am (thanks a lot, Rockies), I took a taxi home to Brooklyn Heights from Midtown.
This is what happens when you don't do your research before picking a blog title. All along I've been thinking the two lovable curmudgeons on the Muppets were Waldorf and Astoria. Wrong. They are Waldorf and Statler. Astoria was Waldorf's (ahem) wife... yeah, that's it. His wife.
(In the name of transparency, I must admit that this was written some time ago. But I thought it was well in line with my curmudgeon theme. So here it is.)
Thank God for Nick Daws!
Here I was, thinking that this writing thing was such a pain in the butt.
Thank God for Nick Daws!
Here I was, thinking that this writing thing was such a pain in the butt.
OK, I'm new at this blogging thing. And one thing I need to say as a disclaimer up front. Since I work as a journalist (even as a sports journalist this is true), I will be sharing no controversial opinions, I will be a fan of no teams.
I will, instead, write about inconsequential things.
I will, instead, write about inconsequential things.